I hiked up Jocelynn Hill this day and quickly found a pair of Pygmy Owls canoodling in the tops of the Fir trees on the interior ridge.
I first heard them when one was doing its rapid fire tooting, I believe it has something to do with courtship.
I then called to it with my own toots and the male started answering back to me, making a toot every 3 seconds, a little quicker than I have noticed in the past around these parts in the spring.
I carried on up the trail and out to the Ridge Top trail where you can look down onto Saanich inlet
From there I could see a Kestrel hunting along the rock outcrops of the cliffs below.
I couldn't get very close to him and this is one of the better shots I got of it as he was landing.
It is mushroom season here now, but not much is out yet. this Velvet-top fungus was the only notable one today.
Phaeolus schweinitzii | |