Hiked up Jocelynn Hill today from Emma Dixon road in Highlands. Took the ridge trail over little Jocelynn and then joined the gowlland range trail along the crest. From there I treked through the forest and found some interesting mushrooms about .
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis | |
from there I headed directly up the face of Jocelynn hill to the open top. there was a group of pholiotas on a willow tree in the pine and fir forest there.
finding I was now late for lunch, I headed down the outside trail as quickly as I could, sometimes running when the trail was even enough. When I got to the first lookout below the summit I found 3 eagles circling the inlet just below where I was standing. One quickly turned and chased another away to the north. I had some perspiration issues in eyes at the time and could not tell even with the binoculars if it was bald eagle being chased or a immature golden, I took some quick pics with my camera and watched them as the third one followed with a quick glide by me towards the other 2 heading north and out of sight around the corner of the Hill top.
an adult and a juvenile Golden Eagle | |
and adult golden eagle diving towards its mate and young one. |
After the golden eagles left, I started to head back down the trail but just as I turned to go I heard a familiar call from the from the cliff ledge to the right of me. it seemed to be in the top of a fir tree but could not locate it. Running back along the trail I had just come from, I called back to it "bird d dee". I quickly saw it fly up to a fir tree tip, a Pine Grosbeak. I took a few poor shots of it with my camera and then realized my camera card was full. Oh well, had to head home anyway, got a ID shot at least.
Pine Grosbeak, a rare bird in greater victoria. but sometimes found in the hills here in winter |
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