Thursday, May 19, 2011

mt wells and mt macdonald today

top of the first summit of Mt Wells, 

Took a hike this morning, up mt wells and down the other side across the road and up Mt Macdonald and back to the parking lot. took an hour to get up and over Mt Wells. Lots of wildflowers blooming this week up both mountains, the rains have kept them from drying out, but they are kinda short because of the cool spring. Lots of warblers singing, orange-crowned, yellow-rumped, townsend's, Wilson's. House wrens are back and singing in their usual territories. The Sooty Grouse is back on top of Mt Wells, hooting in the tree tops.
Lots of Camas blooming on the top

Down the other side the Olive-sided flycatcher was singing his "quick three beers" tune, and a Pacific slope flycatcher was calling for  his "sweet" one. But the day was pretty much about all the flowers

At the top of Mt Wells, a Garter snake lay sunning its self, uninterested in me.

Some morons lit a fire in the meadow 
After climbing down the steep back side of Mt Wells, I crossed Humpback road and climbed up Mt Macdonald, Lots more flowers on the hillside, hard to step off the trail without stepping on any.

trail to top of Mt Macdonald

Yellow Monkey flower
Chickweed Monkey flower

ON the way back down the trail a Townsend's Solitaire was feeding on the cliff ledges

Poor shot of a Solitaire.

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