Beechey head |

There was about a dozen Vultures soaring low over the lookout when we got there, about 25 feet over our heads. Just as we got to the lookout a bird the size of a Goshawk swooped by and headed inland through the douglas fir treetops, never to be seen again. there were several Red-tailed Hawks that went over some appearing to head south over the strait and some decided to hang around a little longer and head back to the ridge to catch the updrafts. 3 Ospreys also came over and all three them kept heading south out to sea. A few Vaux's swifts were flitting about the ridge line most of the time we were up there. Also 3 sharp-shinned hawks were bombing around, sometimes chasing the turkey vultures for fun it appeared.
on the way home there was a mink dead in the middle of the road
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