today I headed up Mt Finlayson for my excercise and I thought since I havent seen a Golden Eagle for a couple of months, I might see one from there. It took me 26 minutes to get to the top from finlayson arm road. My best time ever. I then went over to look over the cliff to goldstream estuary. While taking pictures of the valley bottom a small deer bounded out from the ledge below me and jumped across the crags in front of me. I thought what a great time for a GOEA to swope down on the little guy and knock it off the cliff. Oddly, a few moments later while perusing the valley for whatever I realized a golden eagle was gliding away from me toward the other side of the valley. I lost sight of it for a minute while I sat down to get a more steady look through my binocs. When I found it again it was away over on Goldstream Ridge, circling up and over the ridge top into the blue sky above . It took a minute or two to get another thousand feet up before it glided to the southwest over Skirt mountain and beyond. I then ran out of time and head to back home.
wow really neat,very impressive,thanks for sharing this in this way.I look forward to many more now.