short hikes in and around Victoria BC, finding things interesting to me. Birds,plants,mushrooms,scenery,
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mt macdonald rainforest
Hump back reservoir
Since it is now fall, and it has rained alot, I thought I would check out the Mt Macdonald Rainforest for some mushrooms. I parked in the Mt Wells parking lot and followed the humpback lake shore, scaring up a pair of Woodducks, to the back side before heading over into the small valley that runs along the bottom of Mt Macdonald. There are some great sized Douglas Firs in this small valley, some must be close to 6 feet across. A Barred Owl showed up and he thought I was not much of a threat because he was continuing to hunt for something that was on the ground below him. It was very dark in that part of the forest so couldn't get a decent picture of it. A Sapsucker flew and and dove at the Owl a few times but he seemed uninterested in it too. I left it alone to continue searching for what ever was peeking his interest. From there I headed straight up one of draws hoping to find some Chantrelles or some Pines, or anything, since there were only a couple of Russulas in the valley bottom. A lot of logs to climb over and many moss covered boulders to slip on during the trek to the rock outcrops, but no Chantrelles at all. When I got to the top of the draw it levelled out enough for A large patch of Salal to grow. I thought maybe some Chantrelles in this habit, but no. I walked out to the cliff edge and disturbed a Red-tailed Hawk, It flew off with its high pitched "kree-eee-ar" echoing against Mt Wells on the other side of the valley. On the way back down through the draw I finally founds some mushrooms, but not the chantrelles, some White Worm Coral and some Gyotropas, nothing edible. I got back to car thoroughly soaked through and through, didnt rain that much though
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